Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Best and Worst of 2008: Part 2

Welcome back to part 2 of the 5 part analysis of the year that was 2008. Today focuses on the greatest and not so greatest reality shows and moments of 2008.

Best Reality Show of 2008 - The Apprentice: Celebrity Edition

His business savvy...unparalleled. His wealth...immeasurable. His hair...svelte. Donald Trump is the true definition of a renaissance man. After a few seasons of The Apprentice, the show started to get stale and the ratings were dropping. So how do you fix that? You bring in a team of C and D list celebrities and a bat s**t crazy Baldwin brother and you have arguably the greatest reality show of the year, if not all time. The highlight of the show by and far was Stephen Baldwin. His brand of crazy was so outrageous, his religious convictions so uninspired and forced, and his sayings so outlandish ("put a little Stevie B. cherry on it...delicious...") that you couldn't help but think that his drugged our brother Daniel on VH1's Celebrity Rehab seemed more fit for society. If anything, this show was a great preview of what to expect when Stephen Baldwin eventually goes to rehab (you KNOW it's going to happen). Dr. Drew must be in heaven...soon he'll be able to boast "Dr. Drew's Celebrity Rehab...4 out 5 Baldwin brothers recommend it!"

Most Shocking Reality Moment of 2008 - Aubrey and D. Woods Get Kicked Out of Danity Kane on Making the Band 4

Making the Band 4 is one of those shows where I would gladly turn in my man card if I had to do so in order to watch it. I hate hip-hop, but for some reason I'm entranced by this show. Diddy or Puffy or P. Duffy whatever the hell he is calling himself these days is an attention whore like none other, but give the devil his due, he knows how to make a reality show. In the season finale (which oddly, the last 2 episodes were the "finale", so for two weeks they said "next week on the season finale", which was either a mistake or a GENIUS plot to keep us watching) Diddy announced that Aubrey was a mega-bitch and was being kicked out of Danity Kane, at which time the mostly forgotten Judy Winslow of the group D. Woods decided to search for greener pastures as well. The most shocking of it all was the reunion a week later, where face to face-via-sattelite, Diddy pretty much told Aubrey she was STILL a bitch and STILL kicked out. Come on Diddy! No Bitch-Assness!

Best New Reality Show on MTV in 2008 - The Paper
I am a glutton for High school drama. The Paper is like a half hour version of American Teen. The greatest part of the show...Amanda, the editor. The thing that got me was, she was SO over the top that it surpassed her acting...but really, could anybody be THAT over the top? The mystery kept me coming back, as did the utter disdain the rest of the kids had for her. High School is brutal by nature, but it the jealousy of her former friend who she beat out for editor was Shakespearean. MTV is the pioneer of reality and trash TV, and I'm glad they stick to their guns with these shows that exploit America's youth.

Most Confusing Reality Show of 2008 - Real World/Road Rules: The Island

The great thing about the Real World/Road Rules challenges is that they require absolutely no brain power to process, and in that, they are entertaining. This season was different however, as they were dropped off on an island Survivor style and left to fend for themselves...except they were given food every week. There were no challenges this time...except there were if you got voted in to challenge. It was every man for himself...except for the alliances that formed. The goal was simple, get to the other island to win the money...except for the little part about winning a key to open a chest from the non-challenge challenges. Ok, so at least the games were fun to watch right? Sure...if you could ever figure out how exactly the games were suppsoed to be played. By the end they were so complex that I would just DVR the show and fast forward to see who would win and who got eliminated. Still, if they did an Island 2...I'd be there...because I'm a Viacom whore.

Best Reality Mini-Series of 2008 - The Baby Borrowers

Again, the teen drama...I just can't seem to pry myself away from it. I could really care less about the babies, I was just fascinated by how retarded the couples were. The best fight between the couples? The girl who's boyfriend told her she was overweight and shouldn't put so much syrup on her pancakes. My jaw literally dropped. This is what reality TV was made for!

Check back for Part 3'll be a doozy...


  1. dude you watched the paper as well? that shit was addicting man! as for the baby borrowers, really what kind of parent says "sure I'll let some kids take care of my kids for awhile, just make the check out to cash"
