Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Badman Begins aka Christian Bale's bitch trip...

For those who haven't heard it...here's Christian Bale taking the DP on Terminator Salvation to town for stepping into the shot. (NOTE...This is the uncensored version...not work friendly)

Now look, I can understand that the DP should have waited till the scene was over. I get that he broke the scene and Christian's concentration. THAT BEING SAID...my word. What the hell is Christian's problem? Keep in mind, two days after that was the alleged assault on his mom and sister (this all happened in July). There are a two things that bother me about this and I'll tell you why.

The first thing that bothers me are people coming to his defense. Already people like Whoopi Goldberg, a co-star from Terminator Salvation, and the producer of said movie have said "look, Christian is a swell guy...he was just having a lousy day". Fair enough. We all blow up at times and I can appreciate his wanting to stay in the scene...his dedication to his art. But this was no slip of the tongue. This is an almost 4 minute diatribe against a crew member who doesn't even bother to fight back. What about Alec Baldwin you might asked who went off on his daughter...people forgave him for that, right? Totally different. He DID blow up at his daughter in a PRIVATE cell phone message that he deeply regretted and really nothing had happened with him before and nothing happened after. Christian PUBLICLY humiliated this guy and if he had "a bad day", well he must have had one a few days later when he "allegedly" assaulted his mother and sister. I can see it now...a slow motion video of him screaming at people and throwing fists while "Bad Day" plays over it..."cause you had a bad day..."

My second, and to me, more important point is...Christian isn't just playing some action guy in a movie. He's playing John Connor...one of the top 10 greatest movie heroes of all time. He also plays Batman...in this guy's book, the number 1 greatest hero of all time. If you are playing these heroic roles where children look up to you, how can you act like that? Like it or not, by signing for these parts you took on the responsibility that these parts hold for you not only on screen, but in your personal life as well. Say what you want about George Clooney being a horrible Batman, but you know what, George Clooney has so much character that most people can only dream about having, let alone movie stars. Imagine if videos came out of Christopher Reeve screaming at the crew while making Superman. It would completely ruin the image of what Superman is supposed to be. Even though he's just an actor, he's more than that because by taking the role of Superman he knew he would have to be a role model.

Normally I can separate an artist from the work they do. I don't care for Tom Cruise as a guy, but I think Valkyrie is a fantastic movie and I think he's fantastic in it. But this is different. I feel like The Dark Knight is tainted now, and unfortunately I feel this stigma will carry into Terminator Salvation. Christian, you need to publicly apologize...AND MEAN IT. No publicist-created bulls**t. Apologize, and move forward, and maybe over time you can regain some credibility. It's a sad day for this Batman fan...while before I believed I really saw Batman come to life, now I know that the apple has fallen very far from the tree, Mr. Wayne.


  1. You may not want to read my comments on the issue.

    I don't care about the off-screen happenings of celebrities. I don't care if they operate in a civilized manner. I think the problem is less about what he did, and more about that people care so much. And by "people" I mean every news broadcast, gossip magazine, and talk show. Mention it briefly if you must, and then LET IT DIE. Let Christian be an ass, let Britney shave her head, let Michael Phelps smoke his weed. As long they still make good movies, sing catchy songs, and win gold for America...it's all fine by me.

  2. You're missing the point...I don't blog about what Lindsay Lohan does or doesn't do...I don't care about what celebrities do. What I do care about is somebody who is a role model (as Batman, whether he likes it or not) and how people respond to it...I'm not focusing on how celebrities act in general...just this specific case

  3. hmm, is all i'm gonna say on this topic.
